
Moisture & Leak Detection

If indoor mold is growing, it means there is water somewhere it shouldn't be. We use moisture and leak detection techniques to identify wet areas in your home, whether from a little bit of extra moisture or humidity, or a bona fide leak in a pipe or in your foundation.

Using advanced technology and infrared imaging, moisture and leak detection plays a critical role in pointing to where to collect air samples and surface samples from for laboratory analysis. It also acts as another source of vital information in a mold inspection, highlighting where the water is coming from and needed repairs to be made during mold remediation.

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Moisture And Leak Detection

Primary Spots Where Leaks Frequently Occur:

  • Roofing Materials: Leaks often arise due to the deterioration, breakage, dislodging, or failure of the roofing materials. This can be due to aging, weather conditions, or lack of maintenance.
  • Windows and Doors: The seals or flashing around windows and doors, when worn out or damaged, can make these spots vulnerable to leaks.
  • Foundations: Water damage can lead to formation of cracks in the foundation, making it a potential spot for leaks.
  • Basements: Basements lacking a sump pump or with a faulty one can see water accumulation, and thus leaks, as there`s no system in place to drain out the water efficiently.
  • Sinks: The areas under and around sinks in the house are common leak points due to the frequent use of water and potential for loose or damaged piping.
  • Dishwasher/Washing Machine Connections: The constant flow of water through these appliances and their connections can make them susceptible to leaks over time.
  • Refrigerators: Refrigerators equipped with a water line and ice maker can harbor potential leaks, especially if the water line connections weaken or break.
  • Toilets: Leaks can occur around toilets, often due to faulty seals, damage, or improper installation.
  • Showers/Bathtubs: The area at or behind showers or bathtubs is another common location for leaks due to regular water exposure and potential for caulking or tile damage.
  • Water Heater: Surfaces around or above the water heater can develop leaks, especially if the heater deteriorates or experiences issues like rusting or valve defects.
  • HVAC Unit: With its cooling and heating processes, HVAC units often involve water, making them a possible location for leaks.

This is not a comprehensive list of potential leak areas, however, these are the most prevalent spots that are unfortunately often neglected or under-maintained. Moisture and Leak can cause mold in your home. If you notice it or suspect it, contact O2 Mold Testing

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